As we have entered the Fourth Industrial Revolution, Science is one area which will benefit from the latest artificial intelligence and robotic inventions. Science is advancing in such a rapid speed that it is difficult to keep up with the ever-changing developments. Big global companies come up with even more ambitious projects like Elon Musk’s SpaceX endeavor to build a city on Mars, other companies focus on developing cures for terminally diseases which affecting millions of people.
Let’s have a look at some of those amazing accomplishments in the field of science.
Worldwide Wi-Fi
Can you imagine to be able to have access to the internet at anytime, anywhere in the world? Generations of young people would wonder how we were able to communicate when our different heavy devices lost internet connection. Maybe there is a solution to this problem? Worldwide Wi-Fi is actually quite realistic. According to OneWeb founder Greg Wyler, we are only 10 years from achieving this goal. OneWeb is currently in the process of building a new global knowledge infrastructure accessible to everyone and everywhere. OneWeb is planning to launch 10 satellites that will become the first pieces of the satellite net circling Earth. The company plans to bring access to the internet to every school, home, or health centre in 2022. The goal is to have 900 orbiting satellites, which will fully bridge the digital divided in the whole world.
AIDS vaccine
Globally, around 42 million people living with HIV and 36.7 million people are affected with AIDS. Finally, a scientific breakthrough offers hope for creating an AIDS vaccine. Scientists from the National Institutes of Health managed to create an antibody that attacks HIV from 3 sides, thus creating a possibility to develop the vaccine and deal with the disease in the future. HIV is known for its ability to mutate very fast, however if the antibodies are classified as safe for people, the vaccine will be used as a treatment for people already living with HIV/AIDS. Should the test results be positive, the drug will appear on the market within the next 3-4 years.
Smart contact lens
The main purpose of a smart contact lens is found in the field of medicine. Google X laboratories and pharmaceutical giant Novartis has been for 3 years developing a prototype for a smart contact lens. The lens can measure glucose levels in tears using a tiny wireless chip. Google X researchers created chips and sensors so small they look like bits of glitter and an antenna thinner than a human hair. Currently the prototypes are getting tested. What an amazing breakthrough for those suffering from diabetes.
Cancer-detecting pill
Google X laboratories are trying to intertwine medicine and nanotechnologies. The laboratories are currently working on a nanoparticle pill that can help identify and prevent cancer and even heart diseases. As nanoparticles require complex and deep research because they can harm a human body, Google X will have to face the challenges of providing the safety of nanoparticle pills.
From smart contact lenses to a worldwide Wi-Fi network, the Fourth Industrial Revolution will take humans to the next level of evolution. If you would like to find out how the Fourth Industrial Revolution will affect your business, why not engage an experienced business consulting firm like Synergy Consulting Australia. We will provide you with a tailored seminar as well as prepare a digital strategic plan, which will help your organisation to smoothly transition into the digital age.