Social media marketing – a must to grow your business
The proof is out there! … Social Media is a key player to promote your product/service and grow your business!
The debate on how important Social Media Marketing is to grow your business will be made clear when looking at the latest 2015 Social Media Examiner’s report. Statistics will prove the importance on social media platforms and mobile users. Matter of fact – a solid social media plan is the key to growing your business.
The 2015 Social Media Marketing Industry Report results show that 92% of marketers think that social media was important to their business. Not surprisingly 84% stated that their integrated social media provided the platform to a successful executed marketing plan.
Getting the message out to your clients does no longer rely just on traditional promotional methods, but relies heaviy on the time spend on social media. According to the report, 64% of businesses spend 6 or more hours per week promoting their products/services via socia media. 41% actually spending 11 hours per week engaging with their clients.
… and what are the results you may ask … the results are amazing…
90% reported an increase in brand or business exposure, while 77% reported a website traffic increase, 69% reported brand loyality, 68% reported gain in marketplace intelligence, 66% report a positive growth in lead generation with only a minimun of 6 hours per week dedication to social media…. the list goes on and on…
… and what is the best media to use you may ask …
Facebook is still leading as the social media platform for businesses with 93%, followed closely by Twitter 79% and LinedIn by 71%.
Google+ ranked 4th with 56% and YouTube ranked 5th with 55%.
Most businesses chose a combination of 71% visual, 70% blogging and 57% video and 10% podcasting to promote their product/service.
In the end, every business has to find out for themselves the best combination which will increase their brand awareness and lead ultimatly to business growth.